Friday, January 8, 2010

On The Value Of Godliness

Dr. Mitchell was talking with me today about his life -specifically about God's faithfulness. God opens doors and uses those who are faithful to Him. Truly, we are to work hard and are to be faithful to God. However, God is the one who cares for us. He is the faithful one. Over the course of the discussion, in my heart, the concept of godliness began to take root. I began to ask: Why have I have cheapened my desires with anything less than the desire for Jesus Christ? Have I set before me idols of school and knowledge? Where is the passion for godliness? Shall I not pursue faithfulness to God alone? Paul's words offer sobriety from the slavish concoction of secularism:

"But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the dpresent life and also for the life to come."

- 1 Timothy 4:7

Lord, I confess, the virtue of scholasticism rests teleologically in proportion to its subordination and expedience of godliness. Indeed, I must work hard and not be lazy. But I must work hard in my faithfulness to you first. To be sure, I must make sure, I am serving the only true God our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I hear the notions: Do not value wisdom and knowledge for its own sake. Such is empty and vain. Will I not strive for godliness? Will not godliness direct my steps? Is not godliness supreme in my heart? Is there not an ultimate passion for the glory of God? Is all my joy not found in you alone? Lord help me to transcend beyond notional assent; may I taste your goodness. I confess my wayward idolatry. Forgive me Lord. I renounce worldly wisdom and its fleeting temptation. Father, guide me and conform me to your Son, Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit in my body, soul and - especially today -in my mind.

1 comment:

Ched said...

I enjoyed reading your prayerful reflection here.

Blessings to you in this pursuit!